Frequently asked questions

General FAQ

How do I get started?

In order to start using TrackMyDrum, you need to register a company first. This can only be done through the Web on www.app.trackmydrum.com A company registration through the Web Application is mandatory in order to start using TrackMyDrum. Once a company is registered, the email addressed used will also be registered as the ‘Admin’ of the company’s account on TrackMyDrum, can administer the company account, and other users who will use TrackMyDrum. Once an ‘Admin’ is created, there can be more users connected to the company, such as ‘Managers’ and ‘Guest users’. The differences in features and accessibilities for the different roles is described in this user guide below. For any company type (Vendor and Customer) there are three different User Roles: Admin, Manager and Guest (installer or similar). Each of them are granted with different administration access when using TrackMyDrum. 

Why do I need to join a company?

When logging in for the first time, you will be asked to either ‘join an existing company’, or ‘create a new company’. In order to join an existing company, you need to add the company code for the specific company you are to be associated with. Please note that when creating a new company, you will become the admin of that company on TrackMyDrum. Please make sure that there is no other Admin before creating a new company.

The Tracker

How long does the battery last?

Minimum 2 years battery life. Moreover the batteries are exchangeable.

How much does it cost?

We offer several trackers. Depending on your needs we can decide together with one will be the most suitable one and then give you a concrete overview of the costs.

How to mount the tracker?

If you are using adhesive tapes, please apply the tapes on clean surfaces. You can dust the back side of the tracker, the side with serial numbers, and the drum surface with a dry and clean cloth. Finally you can put the tape on the tracker, peel off the protection and stick it on the clean drum surface. If you are using metal plates, first put the back side of the tracker, the side with serial numbers, on the metal surface of the metal plate from inside. The magnets should hold on to the metal plate automatically, and then it will be mounted by using screws. Please refer to the mounting photos and security measures provided by TMD. The grey rubber sides of the tracker has antennas and shouldn’t be blocked by the metal plate.

Does it work internationally?

Yes! Our solution works around the globe.

WEB Application

How do I login?

Create Account’ in order to register your account. A verification code will be sent to the email address you filled in the registration form.

Please check your spam folder in your inbox in case you don’t receive the email with the verification code.

A verification code is sent within the email, enter the unique code on the registration side, and confirm the registration. This code is valid for 24 hours, after which the code expires. In this case, please send a new request.

Now you can login to your user account on TrackMyDrum. When logging in for the first time, you will be asked to either ‘join an existing company’, or ‘create a new company’. In order to join an existing company, you need to add the company code for the specific company you are to be associated with. Please note that when creating a new company, you will become the admin of that company on TrackMyDrum. Please make sure that there is no other Admin before creating a new company.

How much does it cost?

We offer a monthly subscription fee. The fee varies depending on your needs. Please contact us  at info@trackmydrum.com to find out more and we can find out, which package works for you.

Mobile APP

How do I download the app?

Download the app in the respective App Store, i.e. iOS or Android


Use the same credentials to get the full TrackMyDrum experience.

Why can't I login to the app?

In order to start using TrackMyDrum, you need to register a company first. This can only be done through the Web on www.app.trackmydrum.com A company registration through the Web Application is mandatory in order to start using TrackMyDrum.